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Taddy Goes "DIGITAL"

Taddy Goes "DIGITAL"

John Clothier25 Jul - 11:15
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Look Out for the New Digital Programme Tomorrow

Tomorrow, we post our very first edition of the new, free, Digital Programme.

All you have to do to download the programme is to ;

1.Click on “Digital Programme” link near the top of the home page of the Club website (it is next to the links to the NCEL, Facebook and “X”) CLICK HERE
2. Highlight the edition you wish to read and click on “download”.

You can then read it at your leisure or print off any parts that are particularly relevant to you.

It is our intention to post the programmes on the day before the match - We do not propose to delete any editions of it throughout the season, so if you miss one or want to refer back, it will still be there.
The decision to go “digital” was taken at the end of last season. Sales of the “paper” version were getting less and less and the production was running at a significant loss.

From May onwards we began to put together what was needed to produce “in house” a website-based programme for every home match
The “Team” responsible consisted of Les Horner, the new Editor, John Clothier, the outgoing editor, Elliot Ball, our graphics designer, and club supporter, Paul Taylor from “Design by Duo,” who is actively involved with this type of publication. Our thanks to all four.

Three months seemed a long time back then but in reality we needed all of it as we chartered this new territory. We have a way to go yet but the foundations of the new publication are in place and Les will fine tune as we progress week by week.

Do let us know what you think and what you would like to see in future editions, ( or on the club Facebook or “X” pages)

Further reading